
January 28
I've spent most of my time on Jhinjhoti. I almost feel guilty working on other ragas like I'm cheating. That being said, I've been trying to fill the "gaps" in practice as well as develop good technique. The biggest gaps for me so far are:
- Getting from vilambit to drut gat
- Getting from drut gat to jhalla
- Getting from jod to jhalla (though this is getting better as I listen to examples)
- Doing an ending out of a drut gat and jhalla

Basically, I really neat help and examples. I've been using Indrajit Banerjee's performance from Gainesville and Vikas Bhardwaj's compositions.

I think I will dedicate these practice sessions to the transitions as it can help with any ragas I suppose.

Januray 20
This morning was Bhairav. I'm still not completely sure of the movements and melodies that separate it from other similar ragas such as Jogiya. However, I'm focusing on the Sargams I was taught and that is doing me good. I'm working on the minor meends from the Ravi Shankar. I worked on memorizing the antara this morning and doing a new speed drill. This one is simlar to my others but focuses on doing up and down tans with 3 notes, then 4 then 5 and maybe six. My goal is to get these tans longer and longer. I'm hoping to get some gats in Bhairav.

January 17-
This morning, I went to C# tuning after being in D tuning to practice Desh. I mostly did meend work this morning and I plan to do some practice from the instructional video this evening. I will focus on the tans section tonight and see if I can get them to work in the gats. I will also need to do a refresher on the gats for Desh.

Right now, I tend to spend about 2-3 days on a raga and switch to Jhinjhoti in 'D' tuning. Jhinjhoti is the main raga for me and switch for variety to Behag, Desh and Bhairav. I also go back to Bhimpalasi because of the video.

I also enjoy playing the sargams from the Ravi Shankar book on Bhupali. It is a nice litte tune and I like the Rupak taal.

Last, but certainly not least, my project goal is to learn a raga from Indian classical music! It's been over a year and this is turning out to be even more difficult than I thought. I'll keep working though.
Indrajit Banerjee - my teacher

Behag Examples


Vilambit gat

Drut gat

Jhinjhoti Examples


Vilambit Gat

Drut Gat